Futurism Named 2024 Mirror Award Winner for its Groundbreaking Reporting on Artificial Intelligence
Futurism Named 2024 Mirror Award Winner
for its Groundbreaking Reporting on Artificial Intelligence
New York, NY – June 17, 2024 – Recurrent is proud to announce that Futurism has been named a 2024 Mirror Award Winner by the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. Now in its 18th year, the annual awards ceremony honors excellence in media industry reporting, as voted on by a panel of their peers and industry leaders.
Named as a finalist in April under the “Best Story on Media Coverage of Artificial Intelligence in Journalism and the Media” category, Futurism won for its groundbreaking and exclusive reporting on Sports Illustrated’s misuse of Artificial Intelligence, written by Maggie Harrison Dupré, and edited by Jon Christian. The story was one in a series of groundbreaking, newsmaking reports on the continued incursions and misuse of artificial intelligence in digital media publishing.
As a finalist in a category alongside a team from the New York Times and Peter Kafka’s work for Vox, Futurism was represented at the awards ceremony on June 13th by staff writer Maggie Harrison Dupré, executive editor Jon Christian, and editor-in-chief Foster Kamer.
“Maggie, Jon, and the rest of the Futurism team’s tenacious reporting and consistent achievements in covering the Sports Illustrated story — and this beat, writ large — has been one of the most professionally rewarding experiences of everyone on this team” said Kamer. “Since 2018, this team has always been dedicated to covering the vicissitudes of the emergent (and rapidly evolving) technologies of the time, as we report on the developments and daily implications as they manifest around us in real-time. For Futurism to be in the same category as the New York Times and Vox is a massive honor in and of itself; to be recognized with an award for it is almost gilding the lily, but certainly a testament to the incredible work that this team does every day.”
Futurism has been covering the media industry’s misuse of AI for more than a year thanks to its exclusive reporting on CNET’s undisclosed and disastrous use of AI. Additionally, its follow-up to the Sports Illustrated report was an exposé on AdVon, the company producing AI-generated content for several prominent media organizations, which sent shockwaves through the media industry.
“I’m incredibly honored for my reporting to be acknowledged by my journalism peers,” said Dupré. “Foster, Jon, and our entire team have been supportive as I’ve followed this story. Collectively, we’re continuing to report on the constant developments that AI is undergoing, and excited to see what news we can break next.”
Futurism will continue its groundbreaking coverage online, and plans to host an exclusive live event later this year that will cover key topics such as AI and other emerging technologies. To receive updates about this event and future live events, please sign up here. You can read more about this year’s Mirror Award winners here and learn more about Futurism here.
Since 2014, Futurism has been a growing source of cutting-edge science and technology news coverage. From cybersecurity to cryptocurrency, AI, quantum computing, off-world exploration, genetic engineering, green technologies, and then some, Futurism’s beat is the world beyond the horizon. It’s the science fiction that’s fast approaching our reality, the developments changing the way society functions, and the discoveries and innovations of today that will dictate the course of future generations’ lives tomorrow — along with all the weird, terrible, terrifying, hilarious, wonderful, awe-inspiring characters and ideas they’re emerging right now. Futurism is part of Recurrent, a privately held media company that operates over 15 brands.